giovedì 22 aprile 2010

ALL actions of the human beings are due to their past experiences, their drive for pleasure and survival for the fittest.

Freud has been influential in two related but distinct ways: He simultaneously developed a theory of how the human mind is organized and operates internally, and a theory of how human behavior both conditions and results from this particular theoretical understanding. This led him to favor certain clinical techniques for trying to help cure psychopathology. He theorized that personality is developed by the person's childhood experiences.
Freud hoped to prove that his model was universally valid and thus turned to ancient mythology and contemporary ethnography for comparative material. Freud named his new theory the Oedipus complex after the famous Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. "I found in myself a constant love for my mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event in childhood," Freud said. Freud sought to anchor this pattern of development in the dynamics of the mind. Each stage is a progression into adult sexual maturity, characterized by a strong ego and the ability to delay gratification. He used the Oedipus conflict to point out how much he believed that people desire incest and must repress that desire. The Oedipus conflict was described as a state of psychosexual development and awareness. .
Freud believed that humans were driven by two conflicting central desires: the life drive (libido/Eros) (survival, propagation, hunger, thirst, and sex) and the death drive (Thanatos) Freud's description of Cathexis, whose energy is known as libido, included all creative, life-producing drives. The death drive (or death instinct), whose energy is known as anticathexis, represented an urge inherent in all living things to return to a state of calm: in other words, an inorganic or dead state.
Freud's earlier conception of dreams purely as a site of pleasure, fantasy, and desire. On the one hand, the life drives promote survival by avoiding extreme unpleasure and any threat to life. On the other hand, the death drive functions simultaneously toward extreme pleasure, which leads to death. Freud addressed the conceptual dualities of pleasure and unpleasure, as well as sex/life and death, in his discussions on masochism and sadomasochism. The tension between life drive and death drive represented a revolution in his manner of thinking.These ideas resemble aspects of the philosophies of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.
The human behavious is directly influnced by the societys norms and conducts.Every society has the different set of norms which is called social norms and every one is bound to follow them.But as its impossible for every one to be a follower society condemns them or they commit suicide because of their repression and frustration .But everybody in this world is perfect because God is perfectionist all actions of a person comprises due to different experiences of his childhood or adulthood or merely for survival of fittest by Weinberg .

texto de SNA KHAN (english)

il complesso gioco di un uomo, la costruzione di un gioco.
peinture maurizio barraco 2010

1 commento:

  1. non je peux pas être tout a fait d'accord avec cela
    tout le monde n'est pas parfait
    mais sans aucun doute en abdiquant sur ses erreurs
    tout le monde même sans dieu et ces saints peut le devenir parfait
    dans l'imperfection
    la perfection appartient aux gens trop sur d'eux
    et être trop sur de soi n'a jamais été bon pour personne
    j'entends par là qu'il faut toujours se remettre en question pour pouvoir corriger les erreurs passées
